Tuesday, March 4, 2014



Have you ever been in a situation where you are dating and everything is exciting over text and phone, but all of a sudden in person things get awkward? I figured out the secret ladies! Have no expectations... And look at him as a friend. Remember if you are not in a relationship you can not ask him to treat you like a girlfriend. No expecting PDA, no charming prince to sweep you off your feet, don't expect it to be like the movies! Two examples here: take myself I dated this guy everything was going great he was the one making the plans we went to Vegas and bam he didn't hold my hand or kiss me in public. He was on his phone. Behind closed doors he was charming sweet the perfect guy. So what does this say several things but lets stick to one. I wasn't his girlfriend we are just friends trying the dating thing out. When you act like a girlfriend and expect him to act like your boyfriend it sends him off in this shut down mode because now it just got real suddenly it's moving fast and you scared him off. He no longer wants to date you because he's now confused and doesn't know what he wants. Similar thing happened to my friend Beth. I explained to her a guy will never think anything is wrong. In his head they think it went great. So your feeling miserable and he's great moving on with life. Woman we are our own worst enemy sometimes because we think too much. I took this as a lesson learned and I won't make that mistake again. Know your worth ladies and set the right expectations :)

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